Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Nausea, thy name is Babby!

I've heard it said that anywhere from 10-50% of women don't experience morning sickness.

For the record, I hate these women.

I started getting ill less than a week after I found out I was pregnant. ...And at first, it was
bad. I couldn't hold down anything but dry toast and rice, and to be honest, that wasn't giving me enough nutrients to function.

Oh, and side-note: "morning" sickness is a very disillusioning name. How about "all the bloody time" sickness?

When I went to see my doctor in Saint John the Friday after I found out I was pregnant, she prescribed me
diclectin for the nausea. As soon as I got back from Saint John, we drove up to Tracadie for the weekend with a friend, so I didn't have a chance to fill the prescription until Monday (and believe you me, it was a LONG weekend in Tracadie). I was able to get the prescription only partially filled, so for the low low cost of $50 I was awarded thirty pills. Thirty. 3-0. That is all. I mean, can you believe that? Like it's not bad enough that Addison's Blue Cross rejected me! Who the hell has the money for these kinds of things? I'm supposed to take two every night, and an extra one in the morning and/or the evening as needed. That's barely two weeks worth of pills! For $50!

Hrm. Anyway, we fill the prescription and I immediately take two. However, I'm slightly taken aback by the image on the pills:

I mean, what the hell is this? There is a pregnant woman on my medicine! Can you imagine what the world would be like if all pills had an illustration of the symptom they were treating on them? Tylenol would have pictures of people with headaches. Gravol would have pictures of people vomiting. Viagra would have...well, I think you get where I'm going with this. It's a bit creepy, yes/no?

I have been much better since I started taking the diclectin, though I also started taking folic acid a few days ago, and it seems to be making the nausea worse. I just don't know what to do anymore. I have no appetite - nothing appeals to me
at all - yet I get queasy if I don't eat because my stomach is empty. Surely there must be a balance between not eating anything and eating either too much of something or the wrong something. Nrrrgh.

And this is supposed to last until the second trimester. Joy!


1 comment:

  1. The baby will pay for this! For at least 18 years! Hard labour and ...fetching things.

    Congratulations by the waaaaaaaaaaay!! :D


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