Tuesday, August 25, 2009


On Thursday, August 6th, my husband Addison and I found out that we were going to be parents.


It was a shocking moment for us, to say the least. Addison spent the next few days walking around looking like he'd shit his pants (for some reason, his knees refused to bend). I was mostly overcome by the rapid beating of my heart. I guess it's not usual for people to respond to a pregnancy with fear, but what can I say? It doesn't take me much to make me paranoid! And this is pretty intense. I mean, other than the obvious concerns over having a child - money, space, money - I also have my health to worry about as well.

I asked my mother if she was afraid when she first discovered she was pregnant with my brother. She said, "No, not really afraid, though maybe I was just too stupid. I only felt fear when I went into labour. I said, 'Okay, I've changed my mind!'"

Since I have so many friends who would [presumably/hopefully?] be interested in this sort of thing, I have decided to document the process in a blog. Surely I am not the first to do this, but possibly I am not the least entertaining! Fingers crossed.


1 comment:

  1. WoW!! that's a rly big surprise! i only discovered that i had a unread message in my inbox like about 30 ago. lol. well, congrats!! and welcome to motherhood.XP just from being with alexa all the time, the baby will start to become rly monstruous around 18-19 months. while i was in NB, alexa went into the kitchen druars and took out 2 giant knives! my mum freaked. anyhow, congrats on the baby!!

    Emma -xoxo-


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