Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What's that - you're hungry? HAH!

I am being seriously pwned by my stomach. Blah.

When I was first having a hard time eating, Mum said, "Eat soda crackers." Makes sense, right? Saltines and all that.

One night while working for Mum at the tea shop, I was hungry...but nothing appealed to me. Then I remembered what Mum said about soda crackers. They carry these 4-packs of soda crackers for serving with soup, so I ate one. And then another. And another. And before I realized it, I'd ingested 5 or 6 packages of crackers. I finished work at midnight and thought, "Screw this, I am going to go buy myself a
massive package of crackers."

So I did! I bought a ginormous package of crackers!

We're talking 16 times more than this, SRSLY

I went home and immediately ate 1/8 of them. OH MAN were they ever good!

The next day I had a similar problem, so I had Addison bring me a bowl full of crackers. I put one in my mouth. And immediately spit it out. That's right,
I couldn't even stomach soda crackers anymore. Sometimes I think that there's someone out to get me.

Hilarious side note: I have discovered something that I can eat that will not, under any circumstances, make me ill. Go on, guess. Give up?




  1. Lots of sushi for you :) What about the things that make up sushi like rice and fish and vegetables? How are they on your stomach?


  3. That's what I was going to say - you can't eat raw fish when you're pregnant.

  4. Um, Anonymous, me allowing anonymous posts does not mean that you shouldn't be polite and leave your name. And also, CAPSLOCK IS NOT CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL.

    Besides the fact that not all sushi contains sashimi (that is, raw fish), people - especially in North America - are far too paranoid about sushi. While bacteria is a concern in our sushi because it is not as routinely and professionally made as in, say, Japan, there are still reliable places to get it from. Example: the Superstore hires professional Asian chefs AND doesn't even use their own fish to make it, since they know it is not fresh enough.

    And PS: Japanese women eat sushi all the time, pregnant or otherwise, and if they had a problem with it you'd think we'd have heard about it by now.


Please leave your name, people!